
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Garden Planters and Architectural Steel 

It's been a while since we last posted some information or pictures of the rear garden. Things have been growing nicely during winter and should really take-off heading into Spring. The dichondra lawn is going nicely and is spreading well. We also bought some steel piping to create an Architectural feature in the far planter to put some agaves and cordylines. Makes a great back-drop for our red egg mosaic too.

From Aughton St - ...

From Aughton St - ...

From Aughton St - ...

Solar Panels 

Jenelle and I managed to get in and take advantage of a Solar Panel promotion before the Government changed the rebate rules. So, we've had a 1kW system installed for around $2000, which normally costs in the region of $10,000. So, quite a good score, and seems to be making a dent in our power consumption. Will be interesting to see the effect on our power bills, especially combined with a new energy efficient (and powerful) server in my study and some other energy saving strategies.

From Solar Panel I...

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Shade 2007 

Well, it was our turn to host the 25-odd family members for Christmas lunch this year, so we put up some temporary shade "devices" for the 38-plus temperatures expected. Check it out:

From Christmas She...

We're planning to do something a bit more elegant and permanent in the not-too-distant future, but couldn't do it in time for Christmas. Still, we managed to fit everyone in the house (where the air conditioning was doing a good job of keeping everyone cool) and had enough shade outside for the eating part, where some of us took advantage of the shade.

Unfortunately, it was about 45 degrees the next day (Boxing Day) and our Port Wine Magnolias (this one in particular) took a beating and got quite burnt in the Sun. Almost looks like it was about to spontaneously combust :-(

From Christmas She...

Anyway, enjoying the next week off work. Hope everyone has a great 2008, and that it doesn't go too quickly!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Busy Week 

From House Recladd...

From House Recladd...

From House Recladd...

From House Recladd...

Well, since the retic guy finished putting the retic lines down, Jenelle and I have been busy barrowing compost and sand all over the yard to organise the gardens. This included buying 6 mini Agapantha plants (white flowers) for the front garden to 2 dwarf "Lots of Lemons" lemon "trees" for the 2 pots besides the bifold doors.

The builder also came back this week to put back the paving that the retic needed to be lifted, and to lay our new granite pavers for the porch and new front steps. So, things are pretty much complete now, just in time for the family Christmas onslaught!

Also had the clothes line put up, first time we've had a proper one in about 2 years! And put down some large cracked pea gravel on the front verges again to restore them to something like their former glory - well, better I think.

So, other than lots of cleaning and some last minute organising, things are looking good for our 25 person Christmas lunch, and our house warming party/ies for January or February.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

New Trees! 

Yay! Our 7 new trees arrived this week! "What are they?" I hear you ask. Well, here's the list:

- An Evergreen Ash for a future "big shade" tree, without being too big
- 2 ornamental Pear trees for beside the bird bath in the front yard.
- 3 Crimson Spire Plum trees for the back garden bed
- A Crepe Myrtle (red flowers and redish leaves in autum)

We also had our pavers for the front porch and steps arrive yesterday too. So, once the gray water retic installation is finished (who knows, Mr Unreliable), the paving can all be put back and these laid as well.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Window Film 

Since the removal of our Liquid Ambar, the morning Sun has been quite harsh coming into the living area/kitchen first thing in the morning. So much so, that it's been reaching the fridge door and causing it to be quite warm/hot. Probably not good in terms of fading the floor boards either. So, we decided to go with some window film that reduces heat transfer by about 50% and also cuts the glare down too. It's supposed to be "night visible", meaning we should be able to still see out at night. Although it is a bit restricted/reflective at night.

In some ways it's good during the day as it's hard/impossible to see into the house from outside. Aids privacy. We also got the bedroom with the West-facing window done as well as it gets a lot of sun during the day/afternoon, which would heat it up, etc. too. And with the film adding to privacy, that's good to for when you want the blinds open but don't want to be completely visible to anyone walking/driving up/down the neighbours driveway.

It works quite well. So, pretty pleased with it.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Dead Tree - Bye Albert 

Poor Albert (our Liquid Ambar) had been under a bit of stress recently, and although we'd done several things to try and help him survive, things weren't looking very good when he still wasn't showing any signs of life into late November.

Jenelle and I were reluctant to cut him down too early, just in case he was a late bloomer. But we had to bite the bullet this week and organise for it to be cut down.

It was sad to see the big old tree go, as we would have loved to keep it and make use of the great shade during summer. But when it was cut-down, they confirmed the tree was dead, and that borers had started to move in. So, it was inevitable.

We've decided to get an Evergreen Ash to put in the centre of where our Dycondra will be as a replacement. Although it will be some time until it provides the same kind of shade and enjoyment.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Almost finished! 

Well, all the cladding's done, most of the painting and pretty much the only bits left to do are the grey water reticulation system (which should be getting done next Saturday), and finishing the paving around it and paving the front verandah.

From House Recladd...

Bought 6 trees yesterday, an Evergreen Ash to replace our Liquid Ambar, which appears to have died for some reason. Big shame, but I guess we can at least plant another tree where we want it and one which won't drop so much during the year. Also bought 3 spire Plum Trees for down the side of the house and 2 ornamental Pear Trees for the front yard, to go either side of the bird bath.

We also recently finally finished sanding the deck "filler" and re-oiled it, and much to my relief, it looks great again. And looks the biz:

From House Recladd...

Been a bit of a "gardening" weekend for us, as we dug-out the old Fig tree roots (what fun that was), took off some of the top-soil for the retic and bashed a few bricks :-)

Managed to fit a trip to watch some of the Red Bull Air Race in too.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Renovations Part 2 - The finishing touches 


Well, Jenelle and I decided to get the builder back to finish off some aspects of the house that we'd intended to do and just didn't have time to, didn't want to do anymore or we just thought were worth doing now.

For example, we've been really keen to finish recladding the house all the way around the front ever since we started the renovations, and following comments from a real estate agent when getting some new valuations, decided we should get it done as it would really enhance the street-appeal of our house. To match the really nice back areas that we now really enjoy.

We also decided to get the painting done as it was taking us too long, and we just want to get it done. The other thing is the landscaping, which we decided would be great as we can get rid of the sandy backyard, the piles of bricks/pavers and start getting the garden sorted out.

There are some pics of the progress so far in our album below:

From House Recladd...

It's looking really good. Much nicer having the paving down and the shed back around the side of the house. The cladding and painting are well underway, with pretty much the front asbestos removal, recladding and painting the remaining tasks. This includes new windows for the current main bedroom to match the old lounge window, and a smaller window for the future dressing "room". Getting new window sashes down the side of the house too, driveway side.


Saturday, June 16, 2007

Pot Plants on Deck 

From Decking

Well, spent a lot of today out at nurseries and tree nurseries investigating a couple of plant options. In particular, a small red or purple leafed tree or plant for our "feature" planter box. I found some details on some dwarf and very nice looking Japanese Mapel (Acers) that grow to 2-3m tall. Unfortunately, there a bit short on the ground in Perth, and we're not sure the conditions here are that great for them. And there's a purple Red Sensation Cordyline plant that looks good. And either After Dark or Plum trees, with a couple of others. In the end, I think we're leaning towards the Cordyline or After Dark, as it will be in colour all year where the others will drop their leafs in winter.

Also moved several of our pot plants into position on the deck, and took a few pics as shown above.

Friday, June 15, 2007

New Footpath 

WOW, the council can sometimes move pretty quickly. Can someone say, "End of Financial Year, let's spend all our budget allocation"?

Anyway, excuse the synical Gene, they prune our verge tree this week - and pulled up the footpath pavers and laid concrete. Cool! Looks pretty good, got rid of the little garden bed out the front where nothing seemed to want to grow, and will finally mean an end to the sand and crap washing down from the verge of the newly constructed house 2 doors up - Grrrrrrr! 2 Wheelbarrow loads so far.

From Decking

Other than that, Jenelle bought some new Star Jasmine plants to put along the back wall as the creeper up our new stainless steel wire. Got them cheap ($7.50ea), but the poor little things - they'll need some time to grow into big strong wall huggers! Anyway, enough silliness from me today - back to installing software.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Stainless Steel Wire 

From Decking

Well, the finishing touches to the decking area are continuing. Today we put up the 3mm stainless steel wire across the back wall that will help train the yet to be planted creeper to go skyward. Looks quite good, although the real thing will be once the plants are in and established, which will be a little while yet.

Fish pond's been finished too, although a few adjustments will be required to the lid to help it sit more flush. And we won't talk about the nice chunk the lid tried to take out of my little finger when I wasn't watching!

More jarrah slats were added to the wall section, finishing that off, and Jenelle gave the bi-folds another coat of the Sikkens 7 to protect it from the sun and weather as it was starting to look a bit drab. Seems the subsequent coats like this are much easier than the initial application we did on the fresh jarrah - and no sanding required between coats!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Rendering looks great! 

Well, since we finished the bricklaying, the ball's started rolling pretty quickly. The renderer came and rendered the planters and a few "repair" areas yesterday. It's turned-out really well, and hides the amature bricklaying of the last couple of months.

Our decking guy starts at 7am tomorrow morning, and having taken a week off work, Gene will be home to "assist". The electrician is coming on the 15th to wire-up planter lighting and wiring for the decking lights.

I have a funny feeling this is going to turn into a hectic week off (Gene).

Can't wait to see it with the Jarrah finally down, and being able to step outside without falling into a pit. Got some nice blue-ish paint to do the rear wall, and we'll be selecting a colour for the planter boxes soon as well. The "still-to-do" area is starting to shrink. Soon it will be down to paving, exterior wall painting and gardening.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Well, the bricklaying has finally finished! And I can say I'll be happy if I don't have to lay another one! There's some pictures in our album of the progress, but here's a collage showing the difference from footings and start of the planters until now, about to be rendered.

The render guy is coming tomorrow morning at 7:30am to squeeze our rendering in before Christmas. And the electrician for lighting is coming next week. Still to arrange reticulation guy.

And our "decking guy" starts Monday at 7:00am, so there'll be a bit happening next week - especially with me (Gene) being on leave for the next week to help lay the deck. It's getting exciting, and it will be great to move the eight-seater table outside to for Christmas "entertaining".

Stay tuned...

Saturday, October 21, 2006

New Fridge - Jenelle's prize! 

Jenelle entered a competition with a coupon from a dishwashing liquid, and won a fridge!!!

Very cool! It was delivered on Friday, and fits in the kitchen a lot better than the trust old small white one we had. So, the stainless look of the kitchen is complete :-)

She's been very lucky lately, with her work bonus also helping fund the decking project.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Let the Decking Commence! 

OK, OK, it's been a while since we've made an entry...

But we have been busy, and there's been some activity in the last few weeks. We've got Andrew "booked" to come do the decking in the last 2 weeks of November (with Gene's help). So, at last, we'll get to put the Jarrah down that we bought ages ago. Can't wait to see what it looks like and be able to go outside without walking through sand and straddling "hurdles".

However, this does mean we need to get a few things done before Andrew turns-up. Jenelle's been busy designing, and then re-designing the decking and planter layout. Most of this needs to be in place before the decking can go down, so Jenelle's been digging holes in the backyard for the last few weekends (with a little help from an otherwise busy Gene).

Needing about 2.2 m3 of concrete for the footings, we decided to get it delivered in a truck. So, this morning was the BIG concrete pour - 5.2 tonnes of concrete!!!

Luckily, there were 3 muscly men on hand (Gene, Jenelle's Dad, and an ex-Olympic weight lifter) to ferry 3 barrows back and forward to Jenelle's direction and "spreading" duties. See some pics of the progress in our album.

In the next few weeks, we'll be doing the brick laying, with some help from Gene's sister and her husband, who'll be coming down from York. Luckily, the brick laying required shouldn't be too complicated, unless Jenelle changes things too much, which has sometimes been known to happen.

Anyway, we're back...

Friday, May 19, 2006

Builder and Phase 1 (Internal) - Finished 

Well, the time finally came where the builder returned to finish-off the last of the little things that needed fixing. The main thing remaining was the basins in the ensuite bathroom, where the bottle traps underneath were of different lengths because the plumber had not put the pipes out of the wall at the same height. Probably the result of the last time they needed to be moved because they were too close to the sink and the bottle traps couldn't be connected at all.

Anyway, the plumber and builder came back yesterday and removed the sink, "removed" a tile, fixed the height of the pipes for the right-hand basin, put a new tile on the wall and re-fitted the sink. So, as you can see the lengths of the bottle traps are much better. Still a little out, but not enough to really notice, like before.

The bi-folds were adjusted slightly, and a locking bolt hole made bigger as it was "catching". So, that marks the end of the builder's responsibilities. That means the mortgage can be finalised, the balance released to us for things such as the backyard, and we start paying principle and not just interest. That is a good thing, and a bad thing.

The other thing that happened today, was that we had the semi-frameless shower screen fitted to the ensuite too. We arranged this ourselves (i.e. not through the builder), using the same company that did our kitchen splashback. It looks great, and the ensuite is now complete. Oh, except for the mirror cabinets and shelves that are to go over the basins - next on the agenda. So, we can have our first shower in the ensuite bathroom sometime this weekend.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Bi-Fold Panel Blinds 

Today we had some Luxuflex panel blinds installed across the bi-folding doors to the North of the main living area. During summer, the sun didn't really come in too far as the sun was pretty high in the sky. However, as we've moved into autumn, the sun has got lower in the sky and was starting to come into the room quite a long way. This is good when it's chilly and you want to sit in the sun's rays. But it can fade the Jarrah floorboards and heat the room up when it's warm.

The solution has been to fit a 5 panel set of panel blinds that slide across to cover the doors (basically a panel per door), and that retract back into a little recess next to the kitchen where they are kept out of the way when not in use.

To have a look at the pictures of the blinds in various positions and lighting conditions, there are some photos in the album.

They look great, nice and modern, and will help keep the heat out and protect the furniture and wood finishes.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Jarrah and Artwork 

Well, now the inside is virtually finished there seems to be a lull in activity, thus the lack of posts lately. However, we have finally finished the third coat of stain UV protection for the Jarrah doors and window frames - a big job that we've spread over a few months. Looks great now that the blue masking tape can finally be removed and with it all the same uniform colour. Quite a dark stain, but looks good and should protect the wood.

We also got 2 new pieces of artwork framed and hung over the last couple of weeks. One Jenelle bought for me at the end of last year, and has been in storage for protection and until we could afford a frame. The other Jenelle painted on a canvas I bought her for Christmas. Another great piece by Jenelle - it's the greenish Goldfish painting with gold frame. Mine's the HTTP one for my study - suits what I do in the room, and is an interesting and colourful painting.

The builder has supposed to have come and finished off the last of things and defects, but got delayed yet again. Hopefully he'll be out in the next couple of weeks so we can draw that part in proceedings to an end, and get the balance of our renovation mortgage to start putting towards the outside decking, etc. I've also started thinking about doing a lot of the decking work myself. Could be interesting to give it a go.

As summer's drawing to a close, the sun's starting to get a bit lower in the sky and we're tracking how far the sun is coming into the new area. Jenelle said it's been coming in a further 200mm each week. Good for winter, but a little too much just now. We're going to organise some UV protective film for the bi-fold windows to stop the floorboards, etc. fading over time. Eventually we want to get a solar-pagola or sail over that end of the house, but a bit pricy just now. Jenelle is also pricing and looking at material for curtains for that end of the room too. Looking forward to seeing what she/we come up with.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Quiet - But Entertaining 

Well, it's been fairly quiet on the renovation front, at least in terms of photogenic changes. But Jenelle and I have been busy finishing-off the internal painting, fixing little things and organising furnishings, etc. Another big job done was to put the first real UV protectant stain on the Jarrah doors and windows. It was a big job, but we did it. Still, we have to finish it off with another coat, which we'll do in the next week or so.

Got a stand for the TV and hi-fi gear, not the ideal solution, but cheap and better than the bricks and shelf setup I had. So, it will do nicely until we've got the money to get a custom thing. Either that, or we'll like it as it is, and not bother changing it?

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas 2005 

Merry Christmas all for 2005

We're about to celebrate our first family Christmas dinner in the new living, kitchen and dining area. Should be great - roast pork, turkey and veggies. The unexpected cool Perth Christmas makes a roast quite attractive (coolest Perth December on record).

Hope you're all well and have a great Christmas and New Year.

Hopefully it won't be too far into 2006 until our backyard is done and we can finally throw that house warming party where everyone can flow inside and outside our house and give the new changes a real work out.

Best Wishes From Gene & Jenelle

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Soakwells and Splashbacks 

There hasn't been huge developments in the house lately. Mainly unpacking boxes and trying to find places for the things that have been in storage for months. However, there have been a couple of developments. Firstly, the soakwells have been put in for the gutters so that takes care of one step in the process to getting decking/paving done. Not too exciting for photos though, as all there is to show for it are some mounds of sand in the backyard.

The other thing to have been done this week is the glass splashback in the kitchen. Looks great, and makes a bit of a difference over the bare wall. Oh, and the cabinet maker returned and put in a bit of timber that was missing behind the rangehood. So, the kitchen is a done deal now.

Anyway, off to work. Probably won't be much progress until the new year. Have a great Christmas and New Year.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

We're In! 

Well, the plumber finally finished the plumbing, and the cabinet maker finally came back last Friday with our doors. The cabinet maker fitted the doors and over cupboard bulkhead (still to be painted) marking the end of their work.

So, come Friday night and the weekend, Jenelle and I started moving ourselves back in. Although still a fair about of unpacking and organising to do, we are now using the new living and dinining areas - and new kitchen.

All is going well, and the dishwasher marks the virtual retirement from dishwashing duties - except for the odd bit to keep our hands in.

After a bit of a hiccup with my ceiling speakers (i.e. I accidentally connected the wrong wires to one of them, so it didn't work), they're now fully operational and the hi-fi sounds great. Just need to organise the entertainment unit to house everything in a tidy way, and to buy the Plasma TV sometime soon - hopefully.

Wouldn't mind some new furniture, but what we've got will do for now until we can find and afford things that will look good in the new area.

Anyway, we're in!!!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Kitchen Ready to Go 

Well, the plumber and the cabinet maker managed to finish off their work in the kitchen this week - only just. The cabinet guys left at 4:45pm Friday. Anyway, so besides organising the glass splashback and painting of the above cupboard bulkhead, it's a fully operational kitchen and effectively finished.

This also means the end of dust (in a major context), so we'll be moving into the new areas over the weekend. About time! It will be good to use the areas of the house for their intended purposes again. Thanks Snake Bedroom for acting as kitchen and storage for many months. Soon to be re-instated as guest bedroom.

I also put in some ceiling speakers for my yet to be set-up Yamaha RX-650 and Energy speaker home theatre system. Can't wait to try it out, complete with new Pioneer DVD player (only a cheapie, but good quality).

I'll post more pictures after the move. In the meantime, they're are more kitchen photos from this afternoon.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Bathroom goes Green as Gene moves back into Study 

Well, although the kitchen's starting to look great. It should have been finished by now (in our minds - i.e. people coming "next week" over the last couple of weeks - no comment). Still waiting on the plumber to connect sink, dishwasher and gas cooktop. His coming Wednesday has turned into an ongoing "tomorrow". Although he is supposed to come today at 2pm. Unfortunately it seems one of our "cheap" acquisitions (the cooktop) was missing some parts he needs (gasket around base, elbow joint and gas test point). Not sure if some of these are generic that he could get, but we seem to have been given the task of sourcing, while he stays away until we do. Grrrrr. Personally, I think he's in the profession, and should know where to source such things (unless brand specific) more readily than us. Anyway, we're looking and getting a lot of blank looks from the boys and girls at the counters of various gas parts suppliers - am I missing something?

There's a Blanco parts supplier looking to source for us, so maybe I just have to wait (it is WA afterall - Wait Awhile).

Also needed an extension to the hose for the dishwasher for it to reach the proposed plumbing work. But that was obtained yesterday.

And the cabinet maker hasn't returned with our doors to fit handles and do the above cupboard bulkhead. So, I'm thinking we'll be lucky if it's finished next week at this rate.

On a better note, it's given us plenty of time to continue painting with the ensuite finally painted in a mutually agreeable green. And the first coats of "Dulux Lexicon" white on the fireplace and display niche in the new living area/kitchen. And of course the boring skirtings and frames keep getting another coat too.

On Wednesday night I started the migration of computers, etc. from our BEDROOM into their rightful place in the new study. Now I can leave them on, and we don't have their noise and space consumption of our sleeping quarters. Seems strange having so much room around the bed. What will we do?

Some things have also been migrating out of the current lounge too, so starting to feel less cluttered all round. Our plan is to do more moving over the weekend (now the floor's finished). Shame the kitchen is stopping a complete move.

Off to hunt more things down, but things are progressing (just not outside yet).

Sunday, November 13, 2005

And We Have Bench! 

Yeeehaaa! After the slight mishap with cutting the sink hole on the wrong side, the turning the granite over and having the other side polished has remedied what could have been someone's major headache.

It came back and was put on on Friday. So, I've taken some pics to show how it looks, including the Jenelle signature raised counter :-)

Unfortunately, the cabinet maker also came back to remove and take the cupboard doors away to fit some "little pull" handles, which need to be cut into them a bit. So, it looks a little less finished than a couple of days ago. But the doors just clip back on - I promise!

The oven is in and working, so we could cook a roast if we want to. Plumber has to come and connect the cooktop, sink and dishwasher. But it's almost done and ready for moving in. And rangehood is being fitted Monday.

Floor sanding will be finished this Friday, so we'll be moving in next weekend I suspect.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A Week Later Than Expected, But... 

We were expecting the kitchen to be going in last week. Should have known better...

The old "next week" thing, which actually means the week after, maybe more.

Anyway, it's not too late. And it's looking great so far. The cabinets have started to go in, and there's some pictures in the album now.

Tomorrow the Granite benchtops arrive, and then on Thursday the rest of the kitchen cabinets will be put on over the benchtops. And hopefully some time after that the glass splashbacks will go in. Can't wait to see it finished.

We're almost there, and it's looking great.

Monday, October 31, 2005

That's Better 

Well, it's not the greatest quality photo. But it captures a pretty good improvement in the position of the Air Conditioner on the roof. When the air conditioning guy came to finish it off this morning, Jenelle and I "ambushed" him and went all through measurements and options for moving the unit so it wasn't sticking out on the ridgeline as it was on Friday.

Although, there was a bit of work involved, and bit of hard-work required, the air cond guy understood where we were coming from and did the best he could to address our concerns. So, although not entirely invisible, it's a great improvement.

A photo in decent light will probably show it better. But I'm happy that it's a good compromise. Unfortunately, our roof being what it is, we weren't able to have it hidden completely. But this is a little less obvious.

In the end, we also appreciated Shannon's effort to get it right for us. It was causing him some grief.

On a side note, the electrician also came today. So, most of the lights and switches are now operational. It seems the only ones not operating are those in the kitchen area (waiting for the kitchen to go in), and a switch for the fan for the gas heater, which seems to have been missed. Easy to get fix though.

So, if we can get the kitchen in the next couple of days, that will allow us to get the floors finished, the electrical and plumbing stuff finished - and start moving back in! It will be good to get all my computer servers, etc. back into the study, and start shifting furniture back to their rightful rooms. Like kitchen stuff in the kitchen instead of a bedroom and dining tables in the dining area instead of as a TV stand in the lounge.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Oh No! 

Well, it's been a week of progress, with some more finishing of the floors making them look a lot better. And with the kitchen progressing well, should be going in early next week.

But, it's also been a week of some mishaps. Firstly, with paints for the bathroom and "fireplace", where we accidentally bought the wrong green, then too little of the right green, and now we're just not sure which to go with.

And then the ducted Evaporative air conditioning went in yesterday, and is still to be finished on Monday. Well, that's the theory. However, the unit on the roof is not exactly where we were planning and doesn't really add to the house asthetics. So, it could be a bit of a job to organise it to be shifted down the roof. I need to have a closer look at things today.

Check-out the album and pictures above to see our dilema.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Painting, Floors and lighting 

Hi all,

Well, after a problem with a hard disk on my server, I haven't been able to create any posts for a couple of weeks. Although we have kept taking pictures, which are now uploaded into our photo album. So, feel free to have a look as there's been some great progress in the last couple of weeks.

A big thank you to Jo and Domo for helping put the undercoat on the walls, etc. a couple of weeks back. It was a big job (painting 3m high ceilings is not fun!). You guys helped give us a great start and motivated us that the end was near. Well, still almost there!

We've had the floors sanded and put on a coat of sealer, but need the sanders to come back and do some more sanding before the next coat. They'll be here on Tuesday afternoon and then Friday. Hopefully a bit of an imperfection will be taken out in doing so. Fingers crossed, but still looking good.

There's been lots of work on the plumbing side of things too. Although a few mishaps with sinks and plumbing positioning, and a few small things. Probably the thing that's been the least smooth part of the renovations. The plumber's a nice guy, but reliability and a few mistakes have marred things a little bit. Still, progressing well, and should be sorted out soon enough.

The electrician's been busy this week too, with upgrading our mains box (much neater now) and fitting some of the power sockets and lighting. Unfortunately, not complete yet, but tonight is our first test of the internal lights, which are mostly done. Unfortunately not in the laundry, where we're washing our dishes now we have a sink.

We also have a toilet and sink in the ensuite, along with shower head/mixer. But still part of the plumber's work-in-progress, so not yet serviceable. Can't wait to not have to go outside for the loo! Anyway, they're here tomorrow to sort-out most, if not all, the remaining plumbing.

The kitchen is progressing well, in the cabinet maker's workshop, and is almost ready. We can go look at it sometime - if we get time! Can't remember if I mentioned the issue with the Caesar stone we ordered not being available, then being available? But, just in case I didn't, the short story is that they will give us Black Granite for the same price (worth about $800 more than the Caesar stone). So, a bit of a win there. Can't wait to see the kitchen and granite in place.

So, hopefully by the end of this week we will have the floors finished, the plumbing finished (ex-kitchen), the electrical (ex-kitchen) finished and a bit more painting done. The air conditioning guy is coming next Friday (after a mix-up about today). So, all-in-all a busy and productive week looming.

No doubt there will be plenty of painting ahead for Jenelle and I too. It's almost starting to rival bricks for being a painful job - but only almost!

Hopefully have a quote for the decking back from Andrew (ex-work colleague, come handyman) soon, so we can start thinking about that. And, hopefully, he might be able to help with bricking the planter boxes - we'll see. Just waiting on Andrew to get back to us.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Ensuite Tiling 

The tiling in our new ensuite started this week, and is looking pretty good. Unfortunately, we didn't buy enough of the floor tiles to also do the laundry, so Jenelle is off this morning to buy some new tiles for the laundry. We'll probably keep the rest of the ensuite floor tiles for when we redo the other bathroom.

The little wall tiles caused our tiler some grief - apparently lots of swearing!

Anyway, it's looking good. Can't wait until it's completely finished and things such as the sinks, taps and shower screen are in.

All the plastering - and sanding, seem to be finished now. So, after a couple of weeks of the yukky white dust everywhere, we've got a little break from such joys. Probably not for too long though as there's probably a little more to do, and the floor sanding too.

Here's the latest shot of the main room (a few more pics in gallery).

Friday, September 23, 2005

Starting to take Shape 

Amazing what some gyproc can achieve!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

We have lock-up 

With all the floorboards down, the doors in, and the glass too, we effectively have reached lock-up stage. Although internal work (and some external work) is still to be done. Unfortunately (from his point-of-view), George the cat has been relegated to sleeping outside in his cat basket again. Either that, or his new favourite position on top of the shed in the carport, on top of a bag of insulation! We had a funny moment when George discovered the glass had been put into the doors by attempting to leap through the formerly valid entry point. With a thud, and some sneazing, he wondered off in disgust, and has learnt not to attempt the untested leap again. Even when the flooring was 99% complete, George could still find his way in throught the 1% gap. But no more! Sorry George.

As you can see, the gyprocing has also started in earnest this week, and is progressing well. You can start to make out the true form of Jenelle's infamous bulkhead. It's really starting to take shape now. Anyway, there's plenty of new pics in the gallery to check-out. Keep you posted.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Flooring Day 

Well, now that the windows and doors are in, complete with glass, the builders moved onto the Jarrah flooring yesterday. Although not quite finished, it's almost there, and is looking pretty good. Can imagine how good it's going to look when it's sanded, etc. Oh, and you'll notice some of the door hardware is on too - doesn't look bad at all!

We've decided to go with Evaporative air conditioning and ducted gas now too. So, the air cond. guy was out today to put some ducting into the hard to get to places. After some issues with Brivis, he's going to supply a Braemar system, which seems pretty good and is still Australian made and owned.

No doubt the weekend will be filled with some of those little things we need to do, like finishing sealing/staining the doors and windows, putting some wall sockets on my Cat5 computer cable outlets, and organising the ceiling speaker positioning. Now the floor's down, I can measure some angles and stuff a little easier than stradling floor joists!

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